Saturday, April 28, 2012

Avery's Bucket List

Today, I am writing not about me, and not about anyone else in my family - today, I am writing about a little girl named Avery Lynn Canahuati. And for the first time in this blog's history, I wish people were reading this. Avery is five months old and she's suffering from Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1. Many of you (whoever reads this) will not have heard about this disease before. I hadn't, before reading Avery's blog. But people should know about it, because SMA is the #1 killer of babies and toddlers under two years old. It attacks the muscles of its victims, leading to decreased mobility, difficulty in breathing and swallowing and other simple body functions, and eventually (and tragically), death. At the moment, there is no cure - but the more people who know about it, the more chance there is of there someday being a cure. Avery is a remarkable little baby. She's a phoenix herself - no matter how many times her disease pulls her down, she always finds time to smile and get back up. She is continually reborn from her trials and difficulties, and I hope and pray she lives a fulfilling life. This is the link for her blog: Please share her story with all your friends and give her family the support they need. In our own way, we can help Avery continue being a phoenix.

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